Saturday, November 13, 2010

Third Principle

3. I believe with perfect faith that G-d does not have a body. physical concepts do not apply to Him. There is nothing whatsoever that resembles Him at all. (from the Ani Ma'amin)


  1. The Third Principle is that God does not have a body. In that the human being exists in a physical world and has a sole frame of reference physicality, this principle effectively declares God to be incomprehensible. It is the human being's inability to grasp incorporeality that led to idolatry yet it is incorporeality that declares God uniquely God. The challenge is to bridge the gap, to explain and realize how the finite, physical human being can connect with the Infinite, Incorporeal God.

  2. Then how do we view the physical? Because there was nothing else before Him, is everything that exists part of Him? How do we seperate between the Creator and His Creations (and subsequently what substances are His creations made of)?
